Your School


While the function of a school is primarily education, it is also true that students dealing with difficult home situations or ongoing inner turmoil are not going to be functioning to their God given potential. In today's culture, all school administrators have dealt with tragedy within their student bodies. By providing a SAC (Student Assistance Counselor) to your students, we can help them adjust and/or resolve emotional pain so they can reach their optimal learning ability. Tragedies may also be prevented. 

Students today face choices that were not available at all just a generation ago. The internet makes pornography readily available, teen sexual activity remains very high, and today at least 1 out of every 3 teens will have already spent several years of their lives in a single parent home. A SAC can be a "gateway" into the mental health community so that your students can move toward complete healing.

It is also important that today's school leaders be effective. The Chicago Christian Counseling Center is dedicated to helping school administrators evaluate and strengthen the effectiveness of its leadership to mobilize their people to fulfill a compelling vision.

We can help with:

  • Student Assistance Counseling (SAC) 
    • Middle School
    • High School
    • College
  • Crisis management/consultation
    • Suicide attempt or completion
    • Violence
    • Death of parent, teacher, etc.
  • Educational programs for faculty and staff
  • Training Seminars
  • Professional Coaching
  • Consultation

Call 708-845-5500 or Email us if we can be of help to your school.