The South Holland Office

We are in a one-story brick professional office condo building. LaSalle Street is one block west of State/Indiana Street. Since some of our clients are having trouble finding our South Holland office, scroll down for detailed directions.

Note to our clients:
This location is handicapped accessible.

If possible, please print and fill out our New Client Packet and bring them and your insurance card (if applicable) to your first appointment.


16107 LaSalle Street
South Holland, IL 60473

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We are located between Halsted St. & Indiana/State St. We are adjacent to the ball fields of South Suburban College (on the south side), and just north of 159th/Rt.6/(162nd St. in South Holland)

From the West: 
From Halsted, turn right, (east) on 159th St./Rt.6 (also labeled 162nd St. in South Holland). (It is about 1 mile to our office.) You will cross Vincennes St. (Stop light). You will continue east crossing two railroad tracks that are about 1/4 block apart. Then you will see a Wendy's, Mitsubishi car dealership, Advocate Heath Care, a black & gold sign "College Park", & a green sign "For Rent: Business Offices". These are all on your left (north side of street). You will need to get into the left hand turn lane by Advocate Health Care. The street you see there is LaSalle St. The street sign is hard to see since it is on top of the stop sign. The street looks more like a driveway than a street. You will be turning left (north) on to LaSalle St., immediately past the black & gold sign "College Park". Go north about 1/2 block. You will see a sign "LaSalle Park" and 4 buildings around a circular parking lot. Turn in here. The CCCC is on the left (north) side in the east part of the building. The sign CCCC is by the door. Come in and fill out new client forms. There is no secretary waiting. Your therapist will come for you at the appointment time.

From the east: 

We are 2 1/2 miles west of the 159th St. exit of 94/394. Take 159th/Rt.6/(162nd in SH) west. You will go through several stop lights. After going under a railroad overpass, you will come to the stop light at Indianapolis/State St. (You may notice a Walt's grocery store on the right). Go about 1/2 block further. You will notice a small business mall on your right. You should get in the right hand turn lane. Immediately after this mall, you will be turning right (north) on LaSalle St. (LaSalle St. sign is on top of the stop sign). You will see a green sign "For Rent: Business Offices." You will also see a black & gold sign immediately past LaSalle St. saying "College Park". You may also notice that Advocate Health Care is just past the "College Park" sign. Go right (north) on LaSalle St. for about 1/2 block. You will see a sign, "LaSalle Park" and 4 buildings around a circular parking lot. Turn right here. The CCCC is on the left (north) side in the east part of the building. The sign CCCC is by the door. Come in and fill out the new client forms. There is no secretary waiting. Your therapist will come for you at the appointment time.